Daily increases in COVID-19 cases by state

This chart details the number of new cases over the last days. Overall slope indicates a linear regression slope calculation divided by the mean over the entire series, and Last 28 Day Slope is only for the most recent 21 days of data. A negative slope is a good sign, meaning that the number of new cases each day is decreasing. A positive slope is worrying, indicating an upward trend. Strongly increasing trends are highlighted in yellow or red.

The graph which appears in the lower part of the screen shows a data point for each day. The line will appear dashed on dates in which it is obvious that the underlying data is flawed, such as when it is a negative number or couldn't possibly be a zero value. Green vertical lines indicate the start of a new week, going from Sunday to Saturday.

All slope calculations are done in Javascript by your web browser -- feel free to analyse the code.

Data comes from US information updated daily in https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19.
Top 20
State21-day slope